The old temple was built by KhenpoNima’s great-grandfather for more than one hundred years ago. It is very necessary to rebuild it, because it is too old to collapse. We enshrine and worship the “Black Heaven Stone” (weight 50kgs) in the temple. Guru Rinpoche’s footprint is in front of it, and handprint is in back of it. The footprint and handprint’s ratio is according to Guru Rinpoche’s height. The footprint is the clearest appearance of Guru Rinpoche’sfoot. Besides, there is a left handprint enshrined and worshipped to be the most important treasury of the temple. It will be displayed to aid the people and make connection with them on each 15th September in Tibet calendar.
The three statues of the temple built by KhenpoNima’s great-grandfather were sent by the 1st King of Bhutan.
They are preparing a “strong box” for protecting Guru Rinpoche’s footprint, handprint., etc.